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Poster TM

Poster Tomorro A home for everyone. A place to live, not to sleep

‘Home’ means something different to all of us. The place where we grew up, the place where we live at the moment, the place we come to relax or entertain our friends after work. But for far too many people home remains a distant dream, a place to aspire to, as they try to eke out an existence in sub-standard accommodation or sleep rough on the streets because they have nowhere else to go.

It doesn’t have to be this way. The United Nations has enshrined the right of every man, woman and child to a place to live. Not somewhere to shelter from the elements, but a place to live in safety, security and ‘in peace and dignity’. This is what poster for tomorrow is campaigning for in 2013: the universal right to housing. It’s a huge issue, which is why we’re going to be approaching it slightly differently this year. There’ll be one central brief as usual, but every month from February until June we’ll release a new brief addressing a different aspect of the issue: causes, facts, consequences and solutions. But for now we’d like to invite you to concentrate on one thing: the right to housing.

Chaque année, « Poster For Tomorrow » organise une grande compétition internationale ayant pour mission de promouvoir la citoyenneté active à travers le milieu du design. Les 100 affiches ont été sélectionnées parmi 3461 propositions de 122 pays. Les étudiants de l’option Graphisme de l’Esa St-Luc Bruxelles sont à l’honneur avec 6 affiches gagnantes dont une dans le top 10 et 15 affiches dans les 400 présélectionnées. Les affiches présentes à l’expo sont les 100 affiches gagnantes + les 15 affiches présélectionnées des étudiants de l’Esa

Top 10: Dos Santos Priscillia

Top 100: Fabien Rousseau / Marie-Catherine Lambert & Nathalie Cornelis / Alexandre Frits / Elisa Gilis / Filippo Fontana

+ Sarah Suco Torres / Valentin Gorris / Antoine Prevost / Anaïs Lemercier / Julie Hoyas / Jonas Verhaeghe / Céleste Wallaert / Nathalie Cornelis / Nastasja Vancampenhout / Marie-Catherine Lambert / Kevin Lemarchand / Céline Bacho / Muriel Cornet

Contacts presse

Assisté par : Frédérique Gibon

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